
SONY DSCI’m a medical doctor, academic researcher and freelance writer specialising in healthcare and current affairs. I’ve written for the Guardian, Independent, New Statesman, Spectator, SalonBMJ blogs, New Internationalist, Huffington Post, openDemocracy and have received an additional reporting byline in the Sunday Times. I’ve been interviewed on medical topics by Newsweek magazine and the Daily Telegraph and was awarded the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ 2020 Morris Markowe Prize for public engagement.

As a student I was awarded the Philip Geddes Prize for the most promising student journalist at the University of Oxford. This award funded a successful placement at ABC News. I’ve also undertaken placements at the New Statesman, The BMJ and the World Health Organization.  

My clinical work is currently based in south London, with research commitments at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London. I’m particularly interested in digital mental health, an area I began to research when based at Oxford University’s Department of Psychiatry. A summary of my academic research publications can be found here. I also sit on the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Public Education Editorial Board.

I hold a Digital Fellowship in Healthcare, funded by the Topol Programme. This provides healthcare professionals with time, support and training to lead digital health innovations in their organisations.

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