Reflections on a pandemic

As we muddle through relaxing our lockdown, the overwhelming public mood seems to be one of anger

What will the Charlie Gard case mean for euthanasia campaigners?

This article was originally published in the Spectator, and can be found here. — The tragic case of Charlie Gard, an 11-month old baby suffering from a rare genetic condition, has divided the nation. In January, doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital advised that Charlie, who is currently being kept alive with a ventilator and feeding tube,…

The EU debate: selfish, insular and pathetically neoliberal

This article was originally published on the News Hub and can be found here. — In March 2012, the European Commission was declared racist. Well, that was the verdict at the time, after an enormous public outcry forced the institution to withdraw a video commercial accused of embodying imperialist attitudes and racist stereotypes. The video featured a white…

Oxbridge’s failure on diversity: so severe it’s time to ask if it’s wilful

This article was originally published in the New Statesman. It can be found on their website here.  — “We’re not the best”. It’s the open secret that every Oxbridge student eventually comes to accept. Some realise it during their first term, informed by the mundanity of their year group’s Received Pronunciation-dominated conversations. Others learn the…